I once worked with an entrepreneur who had built a business driven by passion and innovation. They had big ideas, an ever-growing client base, and endless motivation. But despite the external success, things weren’t as smooth behind the scenes. Inconsistencie...
Blog tagged as Influencing Culture
Cultivating Excellence to Build a Thriving Business: Tips For Entrepreneurs
28.09.24 09:43 AM - Comment(s)
Growing up, my model of business was formed by my grandfather. His enterprises included a grocery shop, a flour mill, a transport business, as well as a pineapple and coffee farm. Because of this, he had the capacity to impact the community where he lived. He gave land to the communit...
The Impact of Influencing Culture: How to Become a Positive Role Model
05.02.24 09:34 AM - Comment(s)
We all have opportunity to influence organisation culture or any other culture wherever we are, positively or negatively. I was recently reminded of a scene in the classic movie “Gandhi”. It goes something like this, a lady brings her son to Gandh...